Frequently Asked Questions

For Everyone

What if it rains on the scheduled GardenWalk days?
GardenWalk Cleveland is a rain or shine event.

What are the dates and the hours for GardenWalk 2025?
GardenWalk 2025 tours will be July 12 & 13 from 10 am to 5 pm.

Saturday, July 12, 2025 neighborhoods:
  • Fairfax
  • Hough
  • Glenville
  • Collinwood
  • West Park/Kamm’s
  • West Park/Jefferson
Sunday, July 13, 2025 neighborhoods:
  • Detroit Shoreway
  • Clifton-Baltic
  • Little Italy
  • Tremont

For Walkers

What is the cost to tour the gardens?
GardenWalk Cleveland is a free event.

What should I consider bringing with me to the GardenWalk?
Comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen and/or a hat, water, and in the case of a rainy forecast, an umbrella or waterproof outerwear.

How will I know where the participating neighborhoods are located?
GardenWalk guides will be available at each neighborhood Information Station as well as posted on this website in advance of the event. You can also use your smart phone to navigate the online maps.  

How will I know which gardens are open?
Look for “GardenWalk Cleveland” signs in front yards.  Each sign will be marked to indicate which parts of the garden is open to walkers, be it the front, side or back garden(s).

Where can I find parking for the GardenWalk?
There are no designated parking areas for the event.  Please park in a legal on-street parking space or public parking lot.

Where may I find restrooms and obtain a drink of water?
GardenWalk Information Stations are located in each neighborhood and will provide access to restrooms.  The location of the Information Stations are shown on the maps.  We recommend bringing your own water bottle that you can refill at the Information Stations.

May I bring my dog on the GardenWalk?
No. We love dogs, but please leave your pup at home.

I am coming from out of town. Where may I find lodging?
We suggest that you visit this link:

For Gardeners

Must I be in my garden during the event?
We do not require that you be in your garden, or indeed even be at home during the event. We want to point out, however, that many of the gardeners who participated in past years reported they enjoyed meeting and discussing their gardens with the walkers. Other gardeners who were not in their gardens provided a guest book where walkers could leave comments. It’s entirely up to you to decide the degree to which you want to engage with the walkers.

If I apply to have my garden included, how will my participation be confirmed?
Someone from the GardenWalk Cleveland committee who has volunteered to be the “Garden Finder” for your neighborhood will review your application and will ensure that you receive confirmation.

What should I do if I need to make a change to my application after I have submitted it?
Please contact your Garden Finder for assistance.

If I participate, how will I obtain a yard sign to show that my garden is on the GardenWalk?
The volunteer “Garden Finder” for your neighborhood will ensure that you have a sign before the event.

Must I provide refreshments or restroom access to the walkers?
You do not. Every neighborhood will have designated garden for information and refreshment where walkers can obtain water and access restrooms. The location of the Information Stations will be shown on the GardenWalk map for your neighborhood.

May I sell plants or other items during the event ?
No, the GardenWalk is about building community, and we ask that you refrain from sales of any kind.

I have participated in the past. Must I re-apply in order to participate in 2024?
Yes, please fill out a new application — it will only take a few minutes.  We need all participants to re-apply as garden information from each year is stored separately and maps built from that data each year, and it allows us to reevaluate neighborhood garden clusters.

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