2024 Star Gardeners

We’d like to put a face on GardenWalk Cleveland and introduce you to some of the gardeners! More than 400 gardeners have opened their hearts and homes for you to explore and enjoy. When you visit them, please say hello and be sure to thank them for their generosity! It feels so good to know your neighbors!

Collinwood: Bill Hogsett
14915 Shore Acres Dr

I had never done any gardening until we moved to Collinwood in 2005. Now, my summer is full of planting flowers and pulling weeds! I would not change a thing. My garden has over 150 daylilies that will be in full bloom for the GardenWalk. The garden also has giant fleece flowers, hostas, hydrangeas, Joe Pye Weed and a whole lot more. But the first thing most people ask is, “What is that really tall plant by the driveway?” Come see the garden and make a guess.

Broadway Slavic Village:
Art and Gardens Initiative

Led by local business owner Anne Sherridon, the energetic crew includes both certified plant specialists and average residents who share a desire to leverage the natural environment for a better neighborhood.

Each Thursday evening from spring through fall they identify problem areas in Slavic Village’s public gardening realm and seek to correct them, giving vacant lots and streetscapes the hand-on attention they need to look their best. In addition, they collaborate with local artists and arts funders to insert public art at key locations along high-traffic routes.

AGI represents hard work but also a lot of fun. Join them by calling 216.441.0267

Detroit Shoreway: Deborah Pawlus

Hello fellow gardeners. I’ve been gardening since I was 21. My Mom was a gardener and my Grandparents had a farm. My family has always bonded gardening together. My son started creating gardens on the treelawns of our street. Soon we had created beautiful gardens as a family on Grace Ave. Our street has participated in many Gardenwalks. We are somewhat isolated so visitors were always surprised by how lovely the street is.

Due to severe health issues my garden has become more of a place to relax than actively working on it. The many gardens created over the years and the sharing of seeds and cannas have been enjoyed by many throughout the neighborhood.

Clifton Baltic Neighborhood of Edgewater
Amelia Spitzer and Tim Cornett
W 111th Street

Amelia and Tim obviously enjoy working with plants and started early in their childhood working in their family gardens. Amelia started with a butterfly garden and gradually added flowers as she developed her garden with a variety of colors. Tim worked with flowers and perennials and enjoyed planting and seeing the fruits of his labor. Newer to the Clifton Baltic Edgewater area, both were attracted by the large Siberian Elm which shades their backyard and have been designing their garden to reflect a low maintenance, pesticide free, natural place to enjoy their outside space. Their focus on native plantings, composted materials, home grown vegetables creates an easy sustainable garden which they continue to expand and experiment each year. They recently created a garden haven for their dog Cedar while she plays with her local canine friends who will stop by and visit. Future plans for Amelia are to develop a formal tea garden so she can enjoy her own herbal tea.

West Park: Ronnie Havrilla
16815 Woodbury

We have all been told that gardening is beneficial for both our physical and mental well-being. But, if you are unsure and need convincing make sure that you visit the garden of Ronnie Havrilla. Ronnie manages to work two jobs, volunteers for the Kamm’s Neighborhood Development Corp., as well as two different churches and takes care of her beautiful garden on her own. She was once voted Volunteer of the Year by the Kamm’s organization. She has also raised six children.

Ronnie has only been gardening ardently for the past seven years. She loves nurturing her plants, starting some from seed indoors, and then watching them grow and flourish. She loves the changes that occur within the gardening season, yet is saddened by the end of flowering of a certain plant. She feels grateful for the beauty that she sees around her. Talking to other gardeners, sharing ideas and being open to new things excite her. She is at peace and at the same time feels keenly alive in her garden. Be sure to stop by and meet this delightful woman.


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